"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." John Dewey
a teeny bit of background..
Our parents taught us through a well rounded and creative curriculum. Math was not just taught by sitting at a desk for hours frustrated over formulas, but through art, music, science and much more.
Being at home and learning at home, caused our family to grow in it's own natural rhythm. Our parents worked hard to defeat the myth that homeschooling kids=shy, isolated adults..so we were all involved in many activities: from swimming lessons, art classes, science fairs, plays, chess clubs, sports and much more.
Being at home and learning at home, caused our family to grow in it's own natural rhythm. Our parents worked hard to defeat the myth that homeschooling kids=shy, isolated adults..so we were all involved in many activities: from swimming lessons, art classes, science fairs, plays, chess clubs, sports and much more.
The beauty of it all is that learning at home, allowed us to create and learn to express ourselves in ways that suited our own individual styles.
Our mom (the self taught home schooling principal :) helped us with this list, and so here are a few favourite resources if you are curious as to what this whole homeschooling thing is about.
Our Mom's Homeschooling Helpful Links
Charlotte Mason : British educator in the 1800's, created an amazing and simplified method for teaching children. Our mom liked how Charlotte Mason emphasized the importance of children and art, and so encouraged us with art units, nature walks, museum trips etc.
The Well Trained Mind bu Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise is a brilliant resource. The authors have decades of home schooling experience, and offer simple, step by step outlines for educating pre schoolers up to highschool.
Home Hearts: When we started to homeschool, the web was not as it is today. This website is a great how-to, and is oh so informative with plenty of articles etc.
The Harp and Laurel Wreath by Laura Berquist is an excellent resource on how to encourage students towards a love for language and the art of poetry.
Usborne Complete Book of Art Ideas Usborne has many art books which are all informative, easy to use and have many wonderful projects. Our mom used unit studies and implemented art in all areas of our learning.
and for a smile : ) watch this video 7 lies about homeschooling
Here's our cutie pie John hard at work.

The Well Trained Mind bu Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise is a brilliant resource. The authors have decades of home schooling experience, and offer simple, step by step outlines for educating pre schoolers up to highschool.
Home Hearts: When we started to homeschool, the web was not as it is today. This website is a great how-to, and is oh so informative with plenty of articles etc.
The Harp and Laurel Wreath by Laura Berquist is an excellent resource on how to encourage students towards a love for language and the art of poetry.
Usborne Complete Book of Art Ideas Usborne has many art books which are all informative, easy to use and have many wonderful projects. Our mom used unit studies and implemented art in all areas of our learning.
and for a smile : ) watch this video 7 lies about homeschooling
Here's our cutie pie John hard at work.

: )