Is wedded unto thee, as hearts are wed;
Nor shall they fail, till, to its autumn brought,
Life's golden fruit is shed." ~from An April Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Happy first week of April! We feel it is time for a toast and what better way, then with our favourite new drink: Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade? We made this drink for our lovely sister's shower and have decided that it's our new favourite spring beverage. It's light, sweet and the best part-it's pink. It was the perfect non alcoholic drink for the shower, but we were thinking afterwards how nice it would be with a bit of vodka..hmm perhaps for summer?
This Strawberry Lemonade does take longer than squeezing juice out of a can, but seriously give it a try. It's the perfect drink to sip and then start quoting spring poetry, like the excerpt from Longfellow above, with an English accent of course. : )
Here you go:
Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade
For the syrup:
1 1/2 cups of chopped strawberries
4 tbsp of sugar or stevia
1 tsp of lemon juice
2 tbs of cold water
For the lemonade:
1 cup of very hot water
1 cup of fine sugar
1 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
5 cups of sparkling water, like club soda.
How to:
Step 1: Combine the strawberries, sugar, lemon juice and cold water in a blender and puree until smooth. Pour the mixture through a sieve to squeeze out the seeds. Press down to get out as much liquid as possible
Step 2: Combine hot water and sugar in a pitcher. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add the lemon juice and club soda. Stir in the strawberry puree.

Voila! Finished! Isn't it a pretty spring drink?
No vodka ;-)?
ReplyDeletehaha Susy : )
Deletethe vodka version is for after the babies are born : )
perhaps next knitting group?