For our Men...
Happy Feast of St. Joseph! If you have been one of our blog readers you will know by now that we are Catholic and that we celebrate our feasts : ) We love St Joseph and love that he is our nation's patron saint. Last year we asked our guys to help us with some fashion tips and you can find that post:
This year again we are dedicating this post to our men. We sat down with four of them over the weekend and asked them a few questions.
Here's what they had to say about manliness, challenges and being heroes : )
Our Favourite Brother In Law Shaun:
Who do you look up to as a man role model?
1. St Maximilian Kolbe, Pope Francis and Blessed JPII, Matt Fradd
What advice would you tell your younger self if you could?
2.Choose friends wisely because the company you keep is the who you become.
Pick three words to describe Manliness
3. Sacrifice. Empathy. Humility.
What is your biggest challenge of being a man today?
4. As a high school teacher, teaching young men today the value of loving women rather than using them.
And for fun fill in the blanks:
I am Sir Gawain the Brave and I slayed the Five Headed Winter with the sun's rays and rescued the poor Canadians north of the border.
Our Stylish and Adventurous Brother John:
Who do you look up to as a man role model?
1. Fr Bob Bedard, my brothers, my dad
hat advice would you tell your younger self if you could?
2. Can I give advice to my three year old self? : )
Pick three words to describe Manliness:
3. Courage. Strength, Risk taker
What is your biggest challenge of being a man today?
4. Dealing with sisters : ) being chivalrous with women and turning the other cheek. Dealing with pride.
And for fun fill in the blanks:
5. I am Sir Maximus of the Sword of Fire Clan and I slayed the Beast of Pride and the Knight of Darkness with my golden bow and muscles of iron and I rescued all the imprisoned Timinski's.
Renee's: Always Has Something Funny to Say Boyfriend Greg:
Who do you look up to as a man role model?
1. My dad. Always led by example and had patience to never give up on me, and raise me the right way. Very dedicated to everything that went into being a father.
What advice would you tell your younger self if you could?
2. Use your time wisely and take the time to do things-even if you're tired or low on energy. You'll thank yourself in the long run.
Pick three words to describe Manliness
3. Honour. Responsibility. Humility
What is your biggest challenge of being a man today?
4.Trying to get myself into a career that's rewarding, stable and in my career path, but one that also allows for work-life balance when married life and fatherhood comes.
And for fun fill in the blanks:
5. I am Sir Circumference the Knight of the Round Table and I slayed the pi with a tangent and rescued the surface area.
Our Taller and Stronger than All of Us Brother Zach
Who do you look up to as a man role model?
1. Christ and His Passion, Dad, St Joseph
What advice would you tell your younger self if you could?
2. Encourage and Affirm him, give him courage, build his confidence, tell him that he is loved.
Pick three words to describe Manliness
3. Courage. Selflessness. Sacrifice
What is your biggest challenge of being a man today?
4. Living in a world where men are told to step back and be passive, instead of being leaders and taking the reigns.
And for fun fill in the blanks:
5. I am Zac the Brave and I slayed myself with sacrifice and rescued my vocation as a husband.
Happy Feast of Joseph to you all! Have some fun and interview the men in your life. Give them some love too. : )