Wednesday, 9 October 2013

DIY Topsy Tail High Bun

It's the middle of the week and that means: We need help with our hair!! Leah has been busy these days in hair styling school, learning how to snip, shape, and dye locks of hair. Thankfully last weekend she taught us a new updo one that takes only minutes!

It's easy, lovely and the best: it looks very retro. After Leah worked her hair magic, our Mama exclaimed that this is the updo she has been looking to have had every wedding, but hasn't been successful. Our Mama is a great admirer of pouffy hair. Well looks like she has now finally found the updo of her dreams.

What is this hairstyle? It is:

The Topsy Tail High Bun!
It's a super easy, vintage looking bun, one that even Charlotte and I can do on our very own. Thanks Leah!

How to do it:

Step 1: Pull your hair back into a ponytail
Step 2: Using your fingers part the hair above the elastic, creating an opening.
Step 3: Pull the ponytail through the hole, from underneath up, ( the opposite of how you would normally flip the hair for a ponytail twist)  making a retro looking ponytail.
Step 4: If your hair is thin, tease a few sections to add volume.
Step 5: Twist and tuck the ponytail end underneath into the elastic, creating a full bun. Our hair is a little too thick to stay tucked in the elastic, so Leah bobby pinned the ends.

Voila! Give it a try and let us know what you think!