Thursday, 13 June 2013

Artist Interview! Featuring Truly Charlotte!!

Charlotte's big art show of the year is coming up this weekend and so we thought we would first:

Invite you to please come and see us if you are in Ottawa!!

Second: Feature a lovely interview about who and what is Truly Charlotte!

So dear sister, lol what is Truly Charlotte?

Charlotte: Truly Charlotte is my brand name for my art business. This is my third year at the New Art Festival, and am so grateful! Truly Charlotte is: True to the environment-as it is eco-friendly, True to Originality- as each one of my creations is one of a kind, and True to myself lol- as each art piece is an extension of my creative self.

When did you start creating art?

Charlotte: I have loved to draw and create art since I was 4, and well maybe before that but I can't remember! I used to carry around sketchbooks and sit and draw the world around me. I recently found one, and realized I enjoyed drawing water coolers and portraits of my sisters! lol I learned how to sew from my mom and that led to my love of fiber art. I also grew to love how art for me is a stress reliever and a creative escape from the routine of life. When I was 15, I began working for Wabi Sabi, a local yarn and fiber store, and learned so much! I was thrown into teaching, and learned a lot of different fiber art methods. I taught children felting classes, adult felting, knitting, crocheting, weaving and spinning. Working at the shop really enhanced and encouraged my love for fiber arts.

Where did the idea for Charly's Friends come from?
(Charly's Friends are her hand sewn, eco friendly stuffies)

Charlotte:  At Wabi Sabi, I was asked to create a small stuffed animal that could be produced in kits. My first one was the Kitty Kat, and it just took off from there. I have all kinds of creatures, from owls to my new Vikings. They are all one of a kind and made with lots of love. : ) I like to look around thrift shops for wool sweaters, blankets, and velvets, and use these to create my gang of friends. hehee. They are all made out of recycled and pre loved fabrics, and stuffed with a 100 percent sheep fleece.

Do you only do fiber arts?

Charlotte: Nope. I enjoy all mediums! Any kinds that involve getting my hands messy and busy! lol I love to face paint for festivals, and was recently at WestFest. I have been face painting there for five years and love it. I also paint and silk screen t-shirts. I use 100 percent cotton t-shirts and create my own designs. Each one is original and a Truly Charlotte one of a kind!

What inspires you?

Charlotte: haha hard to answer, but really it is the world around me. I like to look at nature, my faith and my family. As for artists that inspire me, I like to look at Andy Warhol, Matisse and my number one inspiration is my creative mama and papa! They encourage me beyond my capabilities...brownie points ladies! Take that Renee and Leah : ) haha
Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend at the the New Art Festival! My booth is going to be at
38 Patterson! : )


  1. What a great interview! You are so talented, girl! One day people will be saying, "Oh yes. I have an original Truly Charlotte".
